Friday, May 18, 2012

Fact or Fiction????

Author's Note: This piece is based on a truth/lie you have to decide. Our language arts class made up three facts about ourselves and one lie. It is up to you to decide which one it is.

I see those little spoiled little brats with chocolate ice cream on their faces. Tap, tap, tapping on the glass. They are so annoying. Don’t they have anything better to do? All these stupid people want to do is come and stare at smelly zoo animals all day. I see hundreds of people every day lining up just to see me: a lonely primate. A monkey. Why do they care so much? Don’t they understand that I need my privacy? I get maybe six hours to myself a day and I usually spend my time sleeping.

Look at all of those cute little kids with those adorable chipmunk cheeks with chocolate ice cream covering the rosiness. They are just the cutest little darlings. They come here every day and look at the monkeys. There are hundreds every day at that front gate waiting for the zoo to open. It’s the most delightful thing I think I have ever seen. Their parents just let them run around all day while they fall behind and slowly try to catch up.  The monkeys at this zoo deserve so much more than this. They’re just stuck behind that glass with all of those people tapping with nothing for them to do except listen to the bothersome rhythm. Wouldn’t the monkeys hate that? I would if I were them. That’s why I got this job, looking after the monkeys at the local zoo, so that I could help protect my favorite animals from all of this torment. I love monkeys. Did you know that monkeys and humans are the only animals with opposable thumbs? We should be using these wonderful creatures for our own help. Maybe we should treat them better, then they wouldn’t be so scared of humans. Monkeys are wonderful creatures.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Author's Note: This is a poem that was written in free form format. It is a poem with lots of descriptive writing and emotion.

Falling, falling, down, down, down.
There is no emotion just the lines and rows of these drops.
 A simple word, but so complex in itself.
 It can describe everything.
Or nothing at all.
You are the one who has to decide.
Maybe it sets the tone of your day.
Maybe it means that you are going to have the worst day of your life all because of that simple rain drop that fell on your head as you walked out your door.
Or maybe on the other hand it could mean that this single drop is a symbol of luck that you are going to have the best day of your life.
It is up to you to decide

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When will it stop?

Why do people bully each other? What’s the point? Where does it get them in life? Adults think that they know the answer to these questions, but they don’t. There are so many studies on these questions, but who knows how accurate they are. They feel that because they were once kids too, that they can answer all of the questions that have to deal with kids/teenagers.  If you are ever bullied or a witness of someone being bullied, then stand up, speak out, and be heard, because as someone brilliant once said: There is no time like the present. Bullies should not rule anyone’s lives.

All over the world there are bullies. They come in any shape, size, race, anything, because there is no limit to who can bully. You may think that there is no way that bullying will never truly be gone, but we can do something about it to at least decrease it. According to schools that have bullying programs have decreased bullying by 50%. The other 50% are provided with help and support. Even if we can’t get rid of bullying, we can still help those who are being bullied. There are about 13 million children who are bullied in the United States. There is not enough being done about bullies. 13 million needs to become 0. For some of these kids the only reason that they are bullied is because of the clothes that they wear to the color of their skin. If you see someone being bullied, find a teacher or responsible adult right away because you are considered a bully by just standing there watching.

Bullying is wrong, because you are not only hurting the person that you are bullying, but yourself too. states that a bully is 5 times more likely to have a criminal record when they are older because of violence when they were younger. The adults may think that they have the problem relatively under control but we as teenagers and children still have a part in this. We can stand up for others, if that was us being bullied wouldn’t we want our friends to stand up for us? Even if they aren’t your friend, it doesn’t mean that they should be allowed to be bullied; you can be nice to them to show them that you are looking out for them.

According to the CDC Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. This is only in the U.S, think about the rest of the world. Australia, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia? What about them? When will the bullying stop. You may say that you know that bullying is wrong, but what about all of those kids who are bullied on accident by someone saying something that they didn’t mean? In ‘A Corner of the Universe’ a man in his late 20’s has a problem with his brain, and because he is different everyone makes fun of him. This man hangs himself because of the torment that these people put him through. In Buffalo a 14 year old committed suicide because of the torment and teasing that he went through every day at school. In Illinois a 10 year old girl took her own life on November 13th, 2011 because she was bullied by kids at school, at home and even at the store because of her appearance. If this keeps up there will be no children left in schools because even if you are a bully, it doesn’t mean that you aren’t bullied as well. Right now we have to be more careful than ever with what we say and do because you don’t want to go around hurting people’s feelings and not realizing it.

Speak out and be heard, don’t hide from your fears, you have to face them and embrace them especially if that fear is bullying. In the U.S. we are doing a lot to try to prevent bullying but you have to cooperate too. Even if that means telling someone about something that you are not comfortable with, this person has to be stopped. Don’t let your life be ruled by bullies.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Author's Note: The topic that we were writing about for our writing circle was death and dying. This story is from the perspective of a 13 year old girl, that has lost someone very important. 

As I sat down on my clutter strewn bed, I read and reread the message over and over again. How could this happen? That question had been bouncing around inside my head for over five minutes now. I called and called but there was no answer. It rang and rang for 5 minutes. Why wasn’t the voicemail picking up? At least then I could hear it one more time. The voice, the one that I heard all the time. Why wouldn’t they call? I mean my mother had died!!!!! My own father didn’t even have the decency to let me know! The even stranger thing? This message came from my mother’s phone. I know that there must be something going on. How could my mother, my dead mother! be sending me texts? SHE’S DEAD! I'm her daughter and I find out from a text! Hello? Daddy? It’s me, Megan. Is it… is she…no daddy, I don’t believe you this can’t be true! NO! No daddy!

Monday, May 14, 2012

How Lovely to See

Author's Note: Our writing circle decided to write about a place that we would want to visit in our lifetime. 

Food, lights, people,
What to see, where to be?
When to start?
The lights, the brightest in the world
Like a never ending streak of twinkling stars.
The food, exquisite and unique.
People, small, some rude, but most kind and joyful.
The Tower is so lovely in the silent evening.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Apartment 4B

Author's Note: This is a scary story that is about a 17 year old girl, who is having a hard time adjusting to her new apartment and living on her own after living with her parents for 17 years. And now her parents are dead and she is paranoid about everything. 

  I was walking down the darkly lit street by my house when a man came up to me and asked me where I lived. I told him I lived right down the road and he asked me where exactly it was, to take him to the outside because he was looking for a new place to live. So I was thinking okay I’ve seen this guy walking around before he’s nice enough. The man thought it looked nice and I told him about the few apartments that were open. He asked what apartment I lived in because then he could tell the landlord that I had recommended him to her. So I then went on to tell him that I lived in apartment 4A next to this really sweet old lady who always makes me cookies and smells like brown sugar. I spent that night laying in bed thinking about my parents again. They died last year a few days after I turned 17. I had been on my own because I told everyone that I was 18 and I rented out this apartment. I don’t like to talk about it with anyone so I just sit in my room and try to make the thoughts go away. That night I woke up in the middle of the night to a scream. I figured it was probably the T.V. and that I had just left it on again. I went back to bed and fell soundly asleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning as I walked outside of my apartment, I see that there is a crime scene outside the old lady next door’s house. As I walked past I glanced back and all of a sudden I saw the slightest trickle of blood come out of the closed door. I was walking to my car and I saw the strange man that had come up to me last night. I walked away from him as fast as I could because for some reason I had the strange feeling he had to something to do with the blood and the crime scene. He started towards me and before I knew what I was doing I sprinted off in the other direction. While I was running away I didn’t dare look back, because I wouldn’t be able to deal with the emotions I was feeling if I found him chasing after me. It was like I was living in a scary movie, everything was there: the murderer, the stalker, the sweet old lady.

When I got to school I was so freaked out I didn’t even notice the crowd that had formed around the gate to the school. Everyone was staring at me, because they knew something was up, I never got freaked out like this. The last time I was this scared was when I got a call at school saying that my parents had died in a car crash on their way to get me a birthday present. Now whenever something bad happened everyone knew because I had grown a hard shell that hid my emotions from everyone. I had a boyfriend who was perfect, he was sensitive, and really nice and super funny. He cared about me and supported me in almost everything. My, best friend, Ella was the first person to come up to me and ask me what was wrong. I told her everything about the old lady, and she told me not to worry that we could talk to someone. Only a few people knew about my housing situation, and they all have kept my secret. I finally agreed that she would stay over tonight in case anything happened.

After school I went to the grocery store because I was too scared to go back to my apartment in case the stalker guy was still there. That night after the grocery store and every other store close to my house had closed; I had no choice but to go home.  While I was in the coffee shop, Ella had called and said that she had a family emergency to tend to and couldn’t come over. She was really sorry and told me not to worry about anything I was just paranoid. As, I was walking home I tried everyone in my cell to see if they would come over for the night, but of course they all had plans, or were busy with family. Even my boyfriend, Liam couldn’t come over and was really sorry and would see me tomorrow for our date.  When I got to my apartment building and trudged up the stairs I saw it.........

It was the man, the man who had asked me where I lived the other night. His back was facing me, but in his hand I saw a bloody knife! THE KNIFE! Oh no! What should I do, and then he was coming up to me, raising his arm…

I am completely oblivious to everything around me, I feel awake but maybe this is just what it feels like to be dead. It’s strange though, it feels like someone is shaking me... Wait! That is someone shaking me! It’s Eli! So I’m not dead! She tells me I was screaming in the middle of class. It was all just a dream.

About Me

My photo
I love the colors orange and teal, my favorite foods are pickles and chocolate covered strawberries. And I am crazy for anything hippos.